• Fact №1

    The ocean covers over 70% of the Earth's surface and is home to a vast array of life forms, from tiny plankton to enormous whales.

  • Fact №2

    The ocean plays a critical role in regulating the planet's climate, absorbing heat and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

  • Fact №3

    The ocean is a major source of food and resources for humans, providing fish, seaweed, salt, and other products.

  • Fact №4

    Exploring the ocean and learning more about its secrets is one of the great challenges and opportunities of modern science and technology.

  • Fact №5

    The ocean also has significant economic value, supporting industries such as shipping, tourism, and offshore oil and gas exploration.

  • Fact №6

    The ocean is constantly in motion, with tides, currents, and waves reshaping the shoreline and moving water around the globe.


"Stories about the ocean often evoke a sense of wonder and mystery, as humans have only explored a small fraction of the vast, uncharted waters."

  • "The Old Man and The Sea" by Ernest Hemingway

    He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him. But after forty days without a fish the boy's parents had told him that the old man was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish the first week.

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  • "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville

    Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul;

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  • "The Sea Raiders" by Herbert George Wells

    Until the extraordinary affair at Sidmouth, the peculiar species Haploteuthis ferox was known to science only generically, on the strength of a half-digested tentacle obtained near the Azores, and a decaying body pecked by birds and nibbled by fish, found early in 1896 by Mr. Jennings, near Land’s End. In no department of zoological science, indeed are we quite so much in the dark as with regard to the deep-sea cephalopods.

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  • "The Octopus" by Frank Norris

    Just after passing Caraher's saloon, on the County Road that ran south from Bonneville, and that divided the Broderson ranch from that of Los Muertos, Presley was suddenly aware of the faint and prolonged blowing of a steam whistle that he knew must come from the railroad shops near the depot at Bonneville. In starting out from the ranch house that morning, he had forgotten his watch...

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  • "The Open Boat" by Stephen Crane

    NONE of them knew the color of the sky. Their eyes glanced level, and were fastened upon the waves that swept toward them. These waves were of the hue of slate, save for the tops, which were of foaming white, and all of the men knew the colors of the sea. The horizon narrowed and widened, and dipped and rose, and at all times its edge was jagged with waves that seemed thrust up in points like rocks.

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  • “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck

    "In the town they tell the story of the great pearl - how it was found and how it was lost again. They tell of Kino, the fisherman, and of his wife, Juana, and of the baby, Coyotito. And because the story has been told so often, it has taken root in every man's mind. And, as with all retold tales that are in people's hearts, there are only good and bad things and black and white things and good and evil things and no in-between anywhere..."

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Sounds of the Ocean

"The sounds of the ocean, including the rhythmic crashing of waves and the gentle lapping of water against the shore, can be both soothing and invigorating."

Press the button and feel the breath of the ocean, you can combine the keys for enough effect...Enjoy